We posted an initial comms with regard to operating currently, which you can find here;
The general landscape has changed a fair amount since this initial comms and so we thought we should post an update.
We’ve continued to review our operating procedures to ensure we protect all when ‘on site’ and are still in many cases, able to complete operations, as long as site access is available and we can complete within the government guidelines.
We will continue to review the daily advice given from government and in the case of aerial work, from our regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority, to see how we can fulfil our client needs safely and legally.
If you need anything at the moment we’d be pleased to take a look at it with you and see how we can help. Some applications of drone use may well be easier currently than under ‘normal circumstances’, and it could as simple as you want to ’get eyes’ on a facility you’ve not been able to see for a while.
Keep safe out there.
